Bob Thorpe
Assistant Area Commissioner (Events)Introduction
It probably seems a funny time for me to be communicating with you about events, when we are living through such difficult and troubled times. However, this is just the time when we should be remembering our Scouting Values and planning for easier times ahead. That way we can make sure, as soon as we can all resume full Scouting activities, that we continue to provide amazing experiences and skills for life for all our young people.
I have been involved in Scouting for around 5 years (not a lifetime like so many of our wonderful volunteers!) and been running a Scout Group, 1st Hedgerley, in South Buckinghamshire, for just over four years. I was Cub Scout about 300 years ago in Singapore but since that time until 2015, I had had no involvement in Scouting.
So, what makes me (and indeed Nathan) think I can add value to BSO?
I started my working life straight from school and after graduating from Sandhurst spent 14 years in the Army primarily as an Army Air Corps pilot. Leaving the army in 1987, I worked in the airline industry in sales and management, dealing with companies in almost every country across the World. My third career was as a Sales Consultant and again I worked with companies across the world and every Region.
In my three careers, I have developed leadership, management, organising and programme management skills all of which I hope to employ helping you all attend and join in some first-class events at an Area level.
As an old Chinese curse is alleged to say “May we live in interesting times”. Well we are certainly doing that, and this pandemic is unprecedented. All we can hope for is that it does not go on too long and put everything on hold for months.
However, we do not need to stop Scouting in its entirety. As leaders we can proactively offer our young people activities to carry out at home
… But I need your help to help you!
Two ways we can carry on Scouting whilst isolating at home
As leaders we can proactively offer our young people activities to carry out towards badges at home and I urge you all to investigate how you can keep our young peoples’ interest in Scouting. Scouts UK has provided a link for activities that our Scouts, Cubs and Beavers might do, and I know Online Scout Manager will be coming up with ideas. Activities we might offer include:
• Fun activities
• Badges
• Virtual Nights Away
• Much, much more
We have some great ideas and I know you do to. For example, we might offer a Virtual Area Camp and award prizes for the best tent and camping area set up by a Scout
JOTI (Jamboree on the Internet) Special Event takes place on weekend of 3rd – 5th April and this will be a fantastic chance to interactive with Scouts from all over the world. As the tag line for JOTI, on their website, states “Connecting young people virtually because Scouting never stops! 3-5 April 2020”
Obviously, you can all, as individual groups or Districts, join this without help from area but it would be good to coordinate our plans…
Visit the JOTI website for more details.
Call to Arms…
I need your help to help you. I am looking for some volunteers to join an Events Team. This team will be coordinate events during the COVID-19/Coronavirus crisis across BSO and plan for the future. As we know WINGS 2020 is postponed. However, if this crisis is over earlier than expected might we actually hold a smaller area summer camp. It may seem unlikely at this stage but if we are not prepared then we might miss an opportunity.
So, call me, WhatsApp me, email me and join a select team to drive Area events and support District and Group Events in BSO.
I’m waiting for your call
Bob Thorpe
Assistant Area Commissioner (Events)
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Part of The Scout Association
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