My name is Paul Kanikowski, more commonly known in Scouting circles as PK, and I’m delighted to be appointed the District Commissioner for the Northern Europe District of BSO. I know I will have a tough act to follow on from Dominic, but I will give it my very best and I’m really looking forward to finding out about how great the District, the Leaders, supporters and the Young People are and the great programmes and activities that you provide to enable #SkillsForLife.
I’ve been active in Scouting since I joined the Cub Section, progressing through all sections at my Group, the 7th Nottingham becoming the Scout Leader in 1996. I was delighted to be appointed GSL in 2016 whilst still continuing with the Scout Section. In 2019, I was appointed as Deputy District Commissioner for the City of Nottingham District – a role which I really enjoy. I have also been part of the cast for the Nottinghamshire Gang Show, appearing on stage since 1985 and in 2015, I became the Assistant Executive Producer. I am a big advocate of Youth Led Scouting – giving young people a voice as to what THEY want from their Scouting experience, working jointly with, and learning from, our leaders.
Away from Scouting, I have two young girls who are part of Guiding and have always taken part with me and my family at Scouting activities, camps and events. I’m a Police Officer with Nottinghamshire Police, with 20yrs service, and I have been a dedicated School and Early Intervention Officer for 15yrs. This involves working in 7 Academies completing 1:1, small group, assembly and whole class inputs to enable young people to make the right choices, try to keep them out of trouble and to try and stop them entering the Criminal Justice System if they commit a low level offence by completing Restorative work . Myself, and my team, once confirmed, are here to help and support you and your Scouting – not to interfere or impose unnecessarily on you.
I’m really looking forward to getting to know everyone in the District and meeting you face to face in the future
My email is always open for you to contact me,
Yours in Scouting
Young people first: safeguarding and safety in Scouting
Wherever we go and whatever we do, we put young people’s safety and wellbeing first. Here's how.
Registered Charity (England & Wales): 1128063
31 Queen Elizabeth Way WOKING GU22 9AG
Part of The Scout Association
Registered Charity (England & Wales): 306101
Gilwell Park, Chingford, London, E4 7QW